09.10.2023 Articles

Building energy wise learning environments – Minecraft competition inspires school kids and young people around Finland

A new competition for building energy wise schools in the Minecraft game is now on! All Finnish primary school pupils and vocational school students have been invited to take part in the competition. The competition is backed by Caverion, Microsoft and the City of Oulu.

Almost 200 schools have already signed up for the competition. "It's really nice that schools have been so enthusiastic about taking part! This is a great opportunity for children and young people to get to grips with the factors that contribute to energy wise environments - in a game many of them are already familiar with and enjoy, Minecraft. They are the generation that will make the energy revolution happen," says Ville Tamminen, Head of Caverion Finland.

The competition will help children and young people understand the energy revolution and find responsible solutions for their environment. At the same time, the aim is to ignite a spark for work in the sector and to ensure that Finland will continue to have talent in the field.

An essential part of the competition is a learning package produced by energy experts from Caverion and learning experts from Microsoft. The STEAM network of the City of Oulu's Department of Education and Culture has tested the learning material from a pedagogical point of view.

The competition will run from 27 September to 1 November 2023 in Minecraft Education, a version of the game designed for learning. The results of the Finland’s Energy Wisest School competition will be announced in mid-November.


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For more information, please contact: Maija Jokiniemi, Communications Manager, Caverion Finland,, tel. +358 50 330 5217 or read more here  ( Finnish)

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